
CD and promotional material

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The world was changed forever because of a story of love, sacrifice and courage.

When Stefano first contacted me about the design for this CD project, it soon became apparent to me that I just might have to dig out my ol’ paint brushes and acrylic colors. What I was envisioning was something that would require hand drawn artwork. I was excited about this because it’s not too often that I get to usereal paint in my graphic design projects.

It turned out to be a lot of fun. The challenge was keeping enough “clear space” in the paintings to accommodate the text – which was quite plentiful.

From a musical and narrative perspective, I thought Stefano Rigamonti did an exceptional job as well. The music moves through prophecies, journeys, choruses and instrumentals reflecting on the coming of Christ (Yeshua). Much of the music has a Middle Eastern feel and is interpreted superbly by Lidia Genta and the other vocalists involved.

The CD was produced by RE_VIVE Records.